
John Trent, Ph.D.
As a counselor, I’ve seen the challenges of co-parenting wreck havoc on parents and children alike. What Tammy Daughtry does in this book is deal head-on with these challenges while giving loving parents a different way of relating to each other and their child that’s sorely needed. If you’re ready for wise counsel, solutions-based tools, and loads of practical encouragement that will help you relate well to your co-parent and to bless your child—read this book!
- John Trent, Ph.D., Author of The Blessing and president of StrongFamilies.com and The Blessing Challenge

Constance R. Ahrons, Ph. D.
Co-Parenting Works! is a wonderfully practical and wise book for divorcing parents who want to insure that their children thrive after divorce.
If you are considering divorce, in the midst of the process and even if you have been divorced for a few years, this book will show you how to navigate your course to a “good divorce”.
In her clear step-by- step approach, Tammy Daughtry provides parents with a very readable guide to co-parenting that is certain to have lasting benefits for you and your children.
- Constance R. Ahrons, Ph.D., Psychologist and Author, The Good Divorce and We’re Still Family - Professor Emerita, University of Southern California

Chaplain (COL) David Bowlus
One Heart, Two Homes is the most helpful and practical training I have experienced in 25 years in the military to support parents in co-parenting situations. For our military families faced with co-parenting responsibilities, 'One Heart, Two Homes' is making a difference and meeting a need by chaplains and trained counselors.
Throughout the training, Jay and Tammy share their own personal journeys in a manner that makes sense and is immediately usable.
Thank you Jay and Tammy for bringing your course to the military community! Your material was excellent and you gave us all a new paradigm and great tools to help our co-parenting military families.
My eyes were opened and I so enjoyed not only WHAT you taught, but WHO you both are!”
- Chaplain (COL) David Bowlus / MSCoE Garrison Chaplain / Fort Leonard Wood, MO

Therese M. Byrne, CLE
As a co-parent, one of my main interests for my daughter is for her to lead a balanced life filled with love and support. I know with the guidance and practical advice given in this book, and the commitment of both parents to work together, that this can and will be achieved.
I definitely recommend this book to all parents willing to work together so their child can lead a well-adjusted life.
- Therese M. Byrne, CLE and Meetings Director of the Tennessee Bar Association

Rick Johnson
Tammy realizes the importance and value of fathers!
This is a well-researched guide that provides excellent advice for those struggling through some of the most difficult circumstances in life.
- Rick Johnson, Founder of www.BetterDads.net and Bestselling Author of That’s My Son, Better Dads—Stronger Sons, and Becoming Your Spouse’s Better Half

Ron L. Deal, LMFT
Children need the best their parents have to give. Co-Parenting Works! helps divided parents find common ground for the benefit of their child.
You already love your kid—now give them your best. Read this book!
- Ron L. Deal, Author of The Smart Stepfamily and Director of FamilyLife Blended

Deanna & Stephen Kaech
While teaching at an event at Saddleback Church in Southern California, the audience was able to engage with Tammy and Jay and gained a deep understanding that healthy co-parenting is possible - even if there is conflict between the two bio-parents.
They were key to stress what the disadvantages are for children when healthy co-parenting tools are not applied by the bio-parents. Tammy and Jay also provided detailed and practical ways to co-parent within the dynamics of stepfamily life.
Tammy and Jay are national experts in their field and Merged Family was honored to sponsor Co-Parenting International. We at Merged look forward to continuing to work with them in the future as they understand the complexities of stepfamily life.
- Deanna & Stephen Kaech
Co-Founders of Merged Family /Saddleback Church Life Group Leadership Team

Michelle McCoy, Live Well
My name is Michelle McCoy and I am the owner and Clinical Director of Livewell Behavioral Health Counseling Center in Fresno, California. I have had the pleasure of facilitating Co-parenting classes for over a year at my practice utilizing the One Heart, Two Homes curriculum!
The participants who have taken this course have only positive things to say about the tools they have gained using the One Heart, Two Homes curriculum. The curriculum is easy to follow and provides practical tools for co-parents to effectively communicate with each other, using a future focused approach to co-parenting.
They leave the course empowered, encouraged, and ready to move in a positive direction when it comes putting their child first. I am grateful to Tammy and Jay for creating such an awesome and useful tool for co-parents who are struggling with the effects of separation or divorce.
- Michelle McCoy, LMFT
Livewell Behavioral Health Counseling Center / Fresno, CA

Linda Garner
Hi, my name is Linda Garner and I’m founder/director of Doors Of Hope Parenting & Pregnancy Center in Madera, CA. Established in 2003 as a crisis pregnancy care, God has expanded the ministry to now include more services, such as Co-parenting and Anger Management.
In late 2015, we were ask by the local Family Court Services, to provide a co-parenting class for their clients. After many hours of searching for just the right curriculum, we choose the “One Heart, Two Homes” curriculum.
In the 4 years we have offered this curriculum, we have had 208 take the course, 160+ being mandated by local Family Court Services. Court papers now include our name and address as an approved service provider. The curriculum provides the information and instruction required by our local Courts.
In 2017 we hosted 278 classes and in 2018 we hosted 471 classes.
The most often comments we hear from those participating in the classes are; “If I had known how our separation and conflict was hurting the kids, I would have tried harder.”…. “I didn’t know how our divorce was affecting the children, now and in their future relationships.” Many clients, after finishing their co-parenting classes, sign up for parenting classes.
Thank you Tammy and Jay for this great tool for those needing to learn how to “put kids first” during and after a separation or divorce. Can’t wait for Spanish version!
- Linda Garner
Doors of Hope - Madera, CA

CH (MAJ) Miller J. Eichelberger
Chaplains face family dynamics that are continuing to change. The One Heart, Two Homes training for our chaplains prepare them to counsel and help blended as well as traditional families.
Blended families, or families that include children from a previous marriage, are becoming more common and with this training, chaplains will be better prepared to assist those parents.
The most valuable takeaway from the event is HOPE— hope for children whose parents separated or may never have married, hope that parents can co-parent even if the traditional marriage failed to continue. The training will be used daily to counsel couples, families and single parents.
- CH (MAJ) Miller J. Eichelberger / Family Life Chaplain /Ft. Leonard Wood, MO

Albert E. Franke, DTh/ Chaplain (COL-Ret), AUS
This is one of the most needed programs I have seen in years. As a pastor and Christian minister for more than 40 years, 20 of which I served as a U. S. Army chaplain, I have counseled hundreds of families and individuals suffering through broken family, divorce, and separation issues that included issues with children trying to be happy and exist in extended households.
There is marriage and family counseling and divorce counseling, but One Heart, Two Homes is a nicheprogram that fits right in the middle and which bridges that which has been missing in the support we offer our families and our children. Thank you. Now I have the tools, and I am ready to use them.
While the military has equipped us to handle the dynamics of building strong marriages, as well as providing divorce counseling, nothing has been offered for chaplains and counselors to use that focused so dynamically on the plight of children in the midst of the turmoil found in life. We had no good tools to help us provide real, pliable solutions for meeting the needs of children, especially in extended and multiple households, until now.
From a personal perspective, had I had this training available to myself and my family as a young sailor, things would have turned out differently for us, for the better. How different all that would have been if we had known about how to respect our children and their other parent (my ex), even though our marriage was lost.
The children became the centerpiece of our arrangement with joint custody, but separate homes. Looking forward to many years of helping build strong bonds between children and their parents and especially helping divorced co-parents communicate more effectively and stay focused on the one thing they agree on… they love their kids!!”
- Albert E. Franke, DTh / Chaplain (COL-Ret) AUS